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How Behavioral Economics Changed the Way Brand Marketers Think

One of the things that I changed in my daily life last years, and finally turned it into a constructive habit, is devouring books! Always having a book available to read, even for half-an-hour a day, could help you escape … Read more...

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The Power of Defaults in our Everyday Lives (part 2)

προεπιλογών defaults

For the first part of the article “The Power of Defaults in our Everyday Lives”, click here.

In the first part of this article, we analyzed the power of Defaults (Default Options) and some successful applications of Nudging through … Read more...

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The Cost of Overconfidence

People tend to believe that they are better than the average in many sectors of their lives, and usually in fields of knowledge and skills.

For example, in questions and surveys occasionally conducted, it emerged that even when people were … Read more...

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The Power of Defaults in our Everyday Lives (part 1)

If you are a human being like me, you have surely experienced the power of Defaults in your everyday life. In short, we talk about the default option that is provided to you as long as nothing else is happening … Read more...

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Behavioral Economics on Fairness and Reciprocity

This post first appeared on in Spanish.

– Why do we need Laws?

– We need Laws in order to ensure that citizens are treated equally and fairly.

At least, that could be a possible short and … Read more...

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3 Applications of Behavioral Economics in the Real World

It is a fact that the most upcoming economists and psychologists, nowadays, with a vast theoretical background, thirst for knowledge, and impatience to make an impact on the world, search for an interesting field to specialize in.

Behavioral Economics is …